I Help Entrepreneurs Unleash the Power of Social Media Selling


Let's Build Your Dream Business!

Let's Build Your Dream Business

Here's the Reality for Most Entrepreneurs


Most have no online or offline strategy.

They are playing around on Facebook; invisible on LinkedIn; and missing the mark on Instagram.

And, they are missing out on one of the most powerful opportunities out there - YouTube.

They're ineffective at networking and  aren't building relationships through follow up.

What is it really going to take for you to monetize your message and time on Social Media?

You’ve got a PASSION, a PURPOSE and a PRODUCT (or service) that is the exact solution someone is looking for…

But, are they finding you? Are they following you? Are they aligned with your message? Do you have a message for them to align with?

I’m Jackie Ulmer and please allow me to be direct with you:


Why are others making money using social media and effective offline strategies and you are not….

I really want you to think about that question and answer it for yourself. Honestly and intuitively…

Let that settle in for a minute…

Why do some people get lots of likes, comments and shares, and you are not….

You have enough knowledge; are smart enough and well liked…so why not you?

Maybe you just aren't sure of how to use Social Media correctly.


I can help.

I help people just like you package your Passion, Purpose and Programs into a strategic plan that connects with and Converts your Ideal Clients, unleashing the power of "Social Selling."

Bottom line, if you aren't maximizing the power of Social Media, in addition to your offline strategy, you are leaving money on the table.

And, YOU are working HARDER and not SMARTER!

What differentiates me from the other "gurus" selling Social Media Secrets?

Well, for starters, I am Social Media Proof. I built a multi million dollar business in Direct Sales from a small mountain community in Southern California. For 12 years, I didn't leave my home to work my business.

And, I was the top income earner in my company, breaking every record.


So, if you are ready to turn on your own Million Dollar Social Media Faucet, join me here at Social Media Backstage Pass.

Let's work together to create a "pinch me", lifestyle business with Gangster Income!

One where you no longer wonder where your next leads, clients, team partners and sales will come from!



We Will Cover

Business Development Planning

Setting Up Your "Systems" and Tool for Success

Database and Center of Influence

Your Strategy of the Week

Your Target Audience.

Building Your Brand.

Follow Up on Autopilot

Examples of Effective Marketing.

Social Media For Business Overview.

12 Point Social Media For Business.

How to "Get There" With Social Media.

All About Facebook - Individual Modules on Different Aspects.

LinkedIn for Success - Series of Modules.

YouTube - Series of Modules.

Twitter - Series of Modules.

Instagram - Series of Modules.

Developing a Content Strategy.

Networking Offline and Bringing it Online to expand your Sphere of Influence Quickly.

How to DO Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day

Tools to Automate

How to Multipurpose your Content.

Effective Ongoing Follow Up.

36 Touch-Point Strategy for Your Database.

Success Language and How to Position Yourself as an Expert.

Monthly Live Informational/Q and A Webinars


50% Complete

Two Step

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