Network Marketing Mistakes Many Are Making During Covid19

business podcast network marketing

How Many Network Marketers Are Blowing It During Covid19

Network Marketing is a fabulous opportunity when done right, and a nightmare on steroids when done wrong.


Here are a few ways network marketers are blowing it for themselves and the profession of Network Marketing by what they say, how they act, and show up on Social Media.


And, to be sure, the FTC is not taking income or health claims made lightly. The smack down is happening.



Crisis brings out the best and the worst. 600% surge in Google Search on most keywords having to do with work at home. Home business, etc.


I will link to several articles in the show notes, so check them out, including 10 companies who have already had their hands slapped by the FTC.


So what’s the problem?


The problem is not the company itself, in most cases. It’s typically a small group of over zealous company reps who embellish stories and make claims that are illegal per the FTC and FDA, in many cases.


And, it’s the way so many are being taught by their upline and the person who recruited them.


Ever gotten a “Hey Gurl” Direct Message, telling you how great your look is and how you would be great for the business?


Or, that random message from outta nowhere inviting you to an online party or to host a party. EVERYBODY loves XYZ….


Or, seen or shared a post about your health product that can combat Covid? Strengthen immune, etc?


Stop the madness.


Here is the deal:


Network Marketing, MLM, Direct Sales, Party Plan - all great business models full of potential.


Heck, I should know. I beat the odds.


I built a multi million dollar business around the globe. I built a brand, a team, a tremendous wealth of personal growth, knowledge and skills, and a very satisfying paycheck.


Here’s the other deal:


It didn’t happen overnight; it was not easy in the beginning; and there were dozens of times I wanted to quit.


And, important to note: I am about 99% sure I never lost or alienated a friend in the process.


I did not post smarmy things; say bogus stuff or overhype my opportunity.


I was not secretive about what I did.


And, I didn’t expect anyone else to do the work for me or to do anything I was not willing to do.


I built for 6 years the old fashioned way.


And, in 1999, I took my business online.


This, by far, was the best decision ever, allowing me to become the hunted and not the hunter.


I did it by being intentional, with a plan, a strategy and using the language, keywords, hashtags and focus areas online where my ideal client’s are.


And, by the way, I have almost always led 100% with opportunity first.


Here’s why -


You are offered a choice between a $100 bill and $100 products on the table. Which will you pick up?


Hands down, 90% or more will take the money and spend it on what they want.


Here are some of the headlines and information I have found online and offline, links in the show notes.


MLMs Are A Nightmare For Women And Everyone They Know - Huffington Post


Multilevel marketing companies sell women on the dream of being their own boss, yet as many as 99% may end up losing money.

The Pitch is Back - AARP

Why pyramid scheme-like MLMs are not a cure for Coronavirus - Talented Ladies Club

Moms, Mormons, Military: The Perfect Prey For MLMs


A well known Male mlm speaker trainer allegedly said at a recent convention -

“I believe that your Plexus business is an assignment from God to help you build your faith.”


The FTC warns 10 MLMs about income and health claims in Covid-19 - is yours listed? Arbonne and doTerra are on the list.

Read some of this stuff and it’s easy to think that maybe Network Marketing is something to stay away from. And, I get why. I myself had a terribly negative blueprint and preconceived ideas about the profession before and after I started.

What’s A nice girl like me doing in a business like this?

So here is the secret.


First, there is not secret. in 2018 According to the DSA, $35.4 billion in retail sales was created through Direct Sales in 2018.

And, AARP did a study (no idea who, how big the study was, or how it was conducted) that cites that only 73% of participants didn’t make money or lost money.

Define that, please? So much more is needed to validate this as truly factual and indicative of the profession.

Why? Well, here are some questions I would ask:

How long did you intentionally market the products and the opportunity?


How many people did you talk to?

Show the products and the opportunity with?

What did your business action plan consist of?

What type of personal learning and growth did you engage in?

What training did you receive and seek out?


It’s super easy to sign up for a network marketing business; buy a kit; use some products.

Easy to stay on a $100 auto ship for a few months and then say that money was lost.

If one receives products in exchange, and they do so willingly, is it fair to say “I lost money?”


Here’s the final deal, I have to share:

Network Marketing works, if you work it.

Most sponsors and companies are lacking terribly in true, solid, business skills training on how to effectively build a business. And, there is plenty of solid training out there, starting with my Street Smart Wealth Academy.

Don’t be smarmy, deceptive or full of hype, and don’t make claims.

You are modeling at all times, from start to finish what you will be expecting others to do if they join you.

If you turn them off from the initial approach, it will haunt you.

Protect the integrity of the network marketing profession, and don’t get your company in trouble.

Do we really need more articles and bad press like the ones I reference in the show notes? Read them for yourself and ask if that’s how you want the profession you represent to be known for?


Do you have a question for me? DM me on Instagram @jackieulmer


Ready to create more success in your business? Your first step to learn this -  - let’s start there.


Hey, if you like what you are hearing and learning on the podcast, you really should check out the Street Smart Wealth Academy. We take all of this and package it into a radical shift for you, and the way you think and act in your business.

And, it’s guaranteed
. Do the work, get the results, or get your money back.

What could be better than that?

If you’d like to learn more about putting this together and having somebody help you somebody who is built that multi million dollar business I would love to be your coach and mentor!


Also, join our Private Facebook Group.

 I go there; share video training; run "question and answer"; and there are always different things that you can be learning; different tools to assist you and resources.


If you are struggling with getting where you want to go, let’s have a conversation to see where you are; where you want to be, what’s working and what’s not working and talk about a plan to get you out of stuck, if that’s where you are spinning your wheels.

Get it booked today.




Learn more about the Street Smart Wealth Academy; THE "success mentoring" teaching you the "skills to pay the bills!"

  • What we will do together in 4 Simple Steps:


    Master Your Marketing Plan - Build a Complete Online and Offline Strategy


    • We will build and develop your "brand", which is the gateway to creating the rest of your marketing plan, online and offline
    • You will know exactly who your ideal client is and how to attract them to you 
    • You will know how to build your audience; nurture them; and create killer marketing copy that speaks to the heart, all done with consistency for growth
    • You will create systems so you know each day what your marketing strategy is, and you know how to execute it
    • You will know how to pre-sell your client before your call with them
    • You will know the primary social media platforms and how to effectively market in each


    Master Your Messaging and Success Language - Know How to Position Yourself, Your Client, Your Offer


    • You will learn the secrets of language and positioning to create interest and get your audience to lean in
    • You will learn and master the Authentic Sales and Closing process, so you feel calm, confident and no longer struggle with how to ask for the decision and get the sale - no more Selling "Ick" Factor
    • You will know how to create a world class client experience, retaining more clients, so you spend less time prospecting and build more referrals


    Master Your Time Management and Productivity - How to Become a Professional Entrepreneur


    • You will know exactly where to focus your time and energy to get the best results
    • You will learn to release resistance and excuses that hold you back; and build the discipline needed to succeed
    • You will know where your business is going and how to predict growth and profits
    • You will have systems and plans in place for every area of your business so you know the next step with each person in the process
    • You will know how to set your goals and achieve them
    • You will have accountability to keep you focused and on track
    • You will do all of this without feeling overwhelmed 


    Master Your Mindset and Limiting Beliefs


    • You will learn how to take back control over your thinking
    • You will detox from negative self talk, comparanoia, procrastination and overthinking
    • You will create better relationships with your partner, your family, friends, team and most specifically, yourself
    • You will cleanse scarcity and fear based thinking from your life
    • You will know how to solve any problem or challenge for yourself
    • You will learn how to capture your big ideas and monetize them  


    Bonus content includes:

    Taming the Money Monster

    Peak Performance Habits

    Mental Yoga and Thought Download Process




    I'll be sharing the concepts, tools and training to support your marketing, growth and business goals. While the principles that I teach are complete for any Solopreneur business, the details, strategy and implementation will be tailored to you through my mentorship.


    I coach and train on the exact strategies I used to reach top income earner status in my network marketing company, and sell products and services in over 40 countries, using digital marketing. These are the same strategies I use today in my coaching business. I don't teach theory.

    Learn more at Coach With Jackie


Tweet me - @jackieulmer with comments and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer


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I teach mindset mastery, as well as Network Marketing and Social Media Mastery.

Let’s have some conversation!

EXPECT Success!

Jackie Ulmer

PS: If You Are Struggling to Sponsor, and Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is Where You Want to Start


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