The Flip Flop CEO Interview Part 2

business podcast network marketing

Sharing Network Marketing With the Skeptics


Welcome to Part 2 of my Interview with Janine Finney, author of "The Flip Flop CEO!

Quote "The person you are talking to has been watching you;  seeing the way you do business. They're evaluating, asking 'do I want to do that. Could I see myself doing that.'  These are my peers and they want a real business."


Many excited new Network Marketing business owners approach people wrong, and don't create the type of interest and education needed.


Listen in as we share tools and resources for professionals.





The Flip Flop CEOs  Yes, I appreciate that. I love that you're i i love that because I think we as a profession need to become more professional and we need to really um



The Flip Flop CEOs  speak differently and approach this differently and show up differently. And I, but I really do think that, personally, I believe that



The Flip Flop CEOs  There we represent two things we represent products and we represent a business. And to me, I'm not going to have the same conversation about those two things, and I may not even have the same conversation with someone. I'm, you know, I just feel like that is one area that



The Flip Flop CEOs  That needs to be reviewed and evaluated and basically if it's working for you and to do to, you know,



The Flip Flop CEOs  Invite people to your business the way that you're doing it and you're doing it through the mission of the company, then that's great, then keep doing that.



The Flip Flop CEOs  But, for me and for our situation that do not work. I believe that you can't go wrong. If you are listening to somebody else's on what their needs are and if you have a solution for something, then present it in those terms.



Jackie Ulmer  You know, it's so true. I have a whole segment in my street smart wealth Academy training and I always trained my own team.



Jackie Ulmer  When I was actively building a business. I think this is so important because people always say, should I lead with the opportunity or I do. I lead with the product. And I'm like,



Jackie Ulmer  Neither you lead with your prospect. It's just like what you're saying. What is their biggest challenge because it's kind of funny, you can take $100 worth of your product.



Jackie Ulmer  And $100  bill and laid on the table. Most of the end you ask people to pick. Most of the time they're going to pick the hundred dollar bill.



Jackie Ulmer  Because I think more people in their mind anyway struggle with money and money issues and all of that.



Jackie Ulmer  So I'm a big advocate of never leaving the opportunity side of it out, but it is important to know when



Jackie Ulmer  That fits into the conversation. And when you might fit it into soon and blow it.



                 .                    .      

Jackie Ulmer  And lose maybe your best client, your best ambassador who ultimately will come around to build the business, but you are so right. You've got to lead with your prospect and what their biggest challenges and what is the solution. They're looking for



The Flip Flop CEOs  And I think another thing to to mention is that the person that you are talking to has been watching you.



The Flip Flop CEOs  They seeing the way you do the business. They've seen what what that involves and they're evaluating, do I want to do that. Could I see myself doing that. So that's why when I got started I i



The Flip Flop CEOs  I didn't want somebody to see me as the on whatever lady, the product lady on because I knew that these were people from corporate America. These were people that were my peers and they



The Flip Flop CEOs  You know that's not what they're going to want to do either.



The Flip Flop CEOs  So I feel like I show up in every single situation based on the person I wear my product lady hat if I'm in a situation that that's appropriate. I wear my business.



The Flip Flop CEOs  I sell a virtual online franchise hat if I'm with somebody that that is going to be appropriate for. So I think it's really important to



The Flip Flop CEOs  Again, everything that you said just but realize that we are examples we are being example of all the time. And so I think it's important to be good example.



Jackie Ulmer  It is an especially on social media. I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole because we could be on that all day but people are watching you for sure.



Jackie Ulmer  So let's segue then into what you came up with as a solution to help explain and clear out the negativity that so many people have you to wrote a book. So tell



Jackie Ulmer  Us about that and the journey and process.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Yes, so the journey and process was very convoluted and very complicated, but when we were in a mastermind group and everybody in the mastermind group said you guys have got to write a book. And we said, we don't want to write a book.



The Flip Flop CEOs  I think we're the only people on the planet that did not want to write a book, but they kept saying, you know, there's different ways to do it. So we, we ended up



The Flip Flop CEOs  On writing the book we knew exactly what we wanted it to be like there were these books at the time. I don't know if you've ever heard of the series of books called skinny bitch.



The Flip Flop CEOs  No. Yeah, so the thing



Jackie Ulmer  I'm going to put it on my list.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Yeah, well, they're there they were. Gosh, from like     or so years ago. Both of my daughters got those books and on the cover is a stick figure cool looking girl, and it's called skinny bitch. And then there's a series



The Flip Flop CEOs  Been in the oven and all kinds of different you know versions.



The Flip Flop CEOs  But my both of my daughters read those books and were crying. They were just laying on the couch bawling. And I'm like, what is up with that this book doesn't look like would have anything that would make you cry.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And what I learned after I talked to them is that the books are actually about veganism and cruelty to animals.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And they actually did a really clever thing they found they they attracted an audience that would never read about the veganism in cruelty to animals.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And the educated them about this. So they created more awareness about a topic that you know maybe this audience would have wanted to know about. But they didn't know they wanted to know about.



The Flip Flop CEOs  So that book is what inspired the flip flop CEO, we wanted to write a book that would be cool on the outside that somebody would actually read a skeptic would actually read



The Flip Flop CEOs  And it would be written in a cool enough way a sassy and if way that it's skeptic would keep reading it, because you know



The Flip Flop CEOs  A lot of the books that are out there are for people that already drank the Kool Aid.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And we don't. Again, we forget about that because now we're, you know, we've drank the Kool Aid to but we wanted to write a book that somebody



The Flip Flop CEOs  That didn't like network marketing or didn't have an opinion or whatever would still enjoy reading. So, on the flip flop CEO was written to connect with Smart. Savvy professional women.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And it's written in a way that you want to read it. And so it basically calls that every single elephant in the room.



The Flip Flop CEOs  I mean, you know, we don't know when we're talking to somebody, maybe, you know, my, my hang up was I didn't think it was a pyramid scheme. I thought that the person that sponsored my daughter.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Was only interested in talking to me because she was going to make all this money. Well, I didn't understand that you can go around your sponsor. I didn't understand a lot of things like that about the business but



The Flip Flop CEOs  If that was my hang up and yours was I'm not good at sales.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Then we still haven't, you know, solve the problem. So what we did was just really address all of the things in a really fun fast way so that whoever you're talking to whatever it is that they're skeptical about or they're hanging up is we're going to address their concern.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And so on.



The Flip Flop CEOs  We wrote the books to be given to skeptics, we thought that you know if Laurie had had a book and could have



The Flip Flop CEOs  It could have said, Mom, it sounds like you're talking about something completely different than what I'm talking about.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Would you read this just read the beginning of it and let's have a conversation. We could have saved a year of time.



The Flip Flop CEOs  So we wrote the books, believing that they would be used by network marketers to put in the hands of skeptics skeptics, or the people



The Flip Flop CEOs  When you come home after you you've joined a network marketing company and your husband or your mom or your sister or your neighbors going



The Flip Flop CEOs  Oh my gosh, you didn't fall for that you could say, hey, read this, maybe, I don't know, it seems like we're talking about different things you can eliminate a lot of those situations. So that's why we wrote the books. That's ultimately not how the books have been used, though.



Jackie Ulmer  Well, we'll get to that. So you wrote the first book, and then you wrote a second book. So tell us about the second book.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Yes, so the second book is the sequel and basically



The Flip Flop CEOs  What happened was, after people read the first book, they said, Oh my gosh, this is so different than I thought. This makes sense. But how would I know if I would be good at network marketing.



The Flip Flop CEOs  I've always been a flight attendant or a realtor or a nurse. And so again, there was a missing piece in the books and the any



The Flip Flop CEOs  resources that are available. There's nothing that speaks to someone coming in from a completely different traditional job.



The Flip Flop CEOs  To network marketing to really evaluate, just like you would any other new changing career.



The Flip Flop CEOs  So the does the shoe fit and it could be called does the flip flop bit because it's really to decide if you're, you know, made for flip flops.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Um, basically it bridges the gap between traditional nine to five and network marketing and makes it really easy for somebody to understand



The Flip Flop CEOs  These are two different worlds. I mean, in so many ways network marketing is complete opposite of what we've



The Flip Flop CEOs  We've been taught you know actually helping people instead of being worried about them taking your job from you or, you know, there's just a lot of rules. They're very different in the two worlds and so



The Flip Flop CEOs  Does this she fit is really that book and it's really also written for somebody that's gotten into network marketing and maybe it's not achieving the success that they want to



The Flip Flop CEOs  It talks about the different things that we need to have, we need to have belief in the products belief in the company belief in network marketing and belief in ourselves. And a lot of times people are in the wrong network marketing company they got brought in by



Jackie Ulmer  Really? Did say that?



Jackie Ulmer  I love you. Sorry. Keep going.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And I'm not a proponent of like quit your company and go somewhere else. Because no matter where you go, there you are. You're going to take all your baggage with you.



The Flip Flop CEOs  But it's very possible that you got into this without even got into this. I'm going to wash my mouth out with soap. When I get off of this call.



Jackie Ulmer  We're just creating awareness. That's all we can do because like I said, I do the same thing.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Yeah, so, um, I don't know. I had just sidetracked.



Jackie Ulmer  Into network marketing and is it the right company.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Yeah, so people you know a friend says, Can we got to do this. And the friend doesn't even know what they're doing. And the friend doesn't. I mean, people typically do not



The Flip Flop CEOs  Have the respect for, for what they are holding in their hands and if we started anything else.



The Flip Flop CEOs  We would respect it. If we mortgaged our house to buy a franchise. We would never treat it the way we treat network marketing and this is so much better in my opinion because we're not risking so much so.



The Flip Flop CEOs  That's my story.



Jackie Ulmer  Love it. It's good. And I know you know the next piece of our conversation is really going to be about how to use these books.



Jackie Ulmer  And and how they've not been used and and before we get into that, I just do want to say I


Jackie Ulmer  I know where we're going in terms of it's the first one, especially is designed to be a tool to introduce people to the concept, who have not yet.



Jackie Ulmer  Decided to launch a business with network marketing to educate them.



Jackie Ulmer  What to look for and different things like that. However, I do still feel. And I know you feel this way to Janine, that it is a great tool.



Jackie Ulmer  Even if you have gone ahead and said yes to network marketing, you could be like me and still I when I finally



Jackie Ulmer  You know, wrote the check. This was before you could sign up online. When I finally wrote the check and filled in the paper application and mailed it in. I'd love to tell you that my negative blueprint went away.



Jackie Ulmer  It did not. It probably got stronger, to be honest. So that would have been a perfect book for me to say over somebody to say to me.


Jackie Ulmer  Understand how to explain network marketing. If nothing else, because when you read this book and you educate yourself.



Jackie Ulmer  Using it it makes your positioning so much stronger just even opening that conversation.




Jackie Ulmer  So tell us about the book how the intention, how it's been used and what you what your thoughts are around that.



The Flip Flop CEOs  I really appreciate you saying that because that helps me to understand, you know, we, we see things from our perspective and we can't imagine any other way of looking at, I do that a lot.



The Flip Flop CEOs  And you know it's been a mystery to me why our book is being read so much



The Flip Flop CEOs  By network marketers that are already in this business, but that's because they weren't like me. They didn't just all the sudden change and get it and think, Oh my gosh, this is brilliant everybody needs to know about it. They still



The Flip Flop CEOs  They still have some questions themselves. And so for building your belief, for sure. It's, it's great and



The Flip Flop CEOs  On that's what happened is that most of the people, what happened is that leaders, read the book leaders bought the book for their teams.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And they they give it to people. I'm I hear it all the time. We. Oh, I get that book to everybody that's new to the business and I always want to say




The Flip Flop CEOs  Wait, let me tell you how to use it. So, um, I do appreciate that. Um, I just hoped that




The Flip Flop CEOs  That it would be given to somebody that skeptical what I what I hope doesn't happen. And I think it does happen a lot



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Is that people think they need to read the book and then they need to become proficient.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And answering all of the objections, so they read it, read it, read it so that they will know what to say when somebody says, Oh, is this. I'm not good at sales right to know a lot of people well



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The Flip Flop CEOs  I don't want people to feel like they have to memorize all those things and then regurgitate it when someone brings that up.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Because the challenges when you are in that situation, the dynamics are win lose. It's a battle, it becomes a debate.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And nobody wants to get into that kind of situation. It's not comfortable for either side. And so if you can just use the book and and




The Flip Flop CEOs  Enhance somebody the, you know, this tool and say on, you know, it sounds like you've had a different experience than me and



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The Flip Flop CEOs  I'm just getting started. I would love your opinion. It made sense to me when I read this but maybe I'm missing something.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  What could you read the first three chapters will take you half an hour and then tell me, give me your honest feedback. Tell me what I'm missing.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And if you ask somebody in that way. They will do it because they're going to go into that book thinking, Oh, you want to know what you're missing, I'll tell you.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And what happens is they come out on the other side going wow this is different than I thought. And so, um, I can't even remember exactly what you asked me, but



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Jackie Ulmer  We were just talking about how how to use it like how to really use the book in both ways. Yeah, we intended and yeah just



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The Flip Flop CEOs  To add on to that there is a very specific and I've just kind of alluded to it and i love i do team trainings for people. I mean, if anybody has the books and has a team that wants to know how to use the books.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  I love doing a training about it because it's it's not as simple as you think if you if you just hand somebody a book or you mail them a book and tell them that you want them to read it.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  They're not going to read it. It's going to sit on their nightstand. It's going to sit somewhere and they're never going to get to it.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  So again, I'm very intentional and I think I probably brought my corporate background into this but I'm very intentional and I just say to whoever it is.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  You know, if it's somebody even on your chicken list you can say I admire and respect you so much and I



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The Flip Flop CEOs  I'm doing something that I think makes sense but I maybe I've got a blind spot. Maybe I'm not seeing something



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Would you do me a huge favor, could you spend       minutes with this and then get back to me and and tell me what you think. Or give me your feedback, you know, and




The Flip Flop CEOs  A lot of time I did this with my doctor I had was going to this hormone doctor and I wanted to talk to her about the business but I



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Didn't know how to go from being the patient sitting there to talking to her about this.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And yet, every time I go in, she talked about how much she loves traveling and doing all these things. And I'm thinking, how the heck do you stand coming to this office every day.




The Flip Flop CEOs  And so I thought, how can they do this. And so I kind of made at this the next time I went and I said, you know what I am. I'm part of this little group and we're supposed to get



               .                  .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  Professional people's feedback on this book that we're reading and just get honest feedback for somebody like you. You're the perfect person. Would you do me a huge favor and free, you know, this       minutes of this book and



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The Flip Flop CEOs  She said, okay, and I said, Do you think you could do it in a week.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And that's the other thing you really want to be specific and and she said, Yeah, I think so. She goes, Yeah, give me a week and and call me back. And I said, Okay.



               .                      .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  So I waited a week called her back. She said, Oh my gosh, I haven't gotten to it, but I promise I will now so we had a real agreement. So in other week past. I called her back. And she said,




The Flip Flop CEOs  Oh my gosh. There are no accidents. She goes, I've been having a friend of mine in Hawaii tried to talk to me about her business.



                .                     .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  For years, and I wouldn't give her the time of day. And now I understand why she wanted me to listen to her.




The Flip Flop CEOs  So it didn't help me in that situation, but it's like it's like the starfish story. You know, I don't know if you know the starfish story but one more starfish one more person now.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Isn't skeptical and understands this business model. So there's really a specific way to use the books, but they are super effective



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Jackie Ulmer  Well, and I think that's a beautiful story and I know this is what you meant. I mean it didn't, it didn't benefit you in terms of



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Jackie Ulmer  Of her joining your organization and working together and all that but it definitely benefited you from a mindset. Yeah. And another checkbox that said this profession is legitimate.



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Jackie Ulmer  This press this profession is legitimate for any professional doctor, lawyer Baker teacher nurse, you know, whatever it's legitimate and it's just one more reassurance that gives you




Jackie Ulmer  The the the bravery. That's not the word but gives you the guts. I don't know to approach one more person who might be on your chicken list. So yeah, that's a great story.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Exactly. And I've had people honestly that I've talked to that have said, Oh my gosh, I've given away i've been i've given away      of your books and I said,



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The Flip Flop CEOs  And I would say, Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that you you you know I bet those people didn't even read the books. And the truth is that we're not going to change anyone's



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Perception, if somebody doesn't open the book. And so I had a conversation with this gal. And I said,



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Do me a favor, if you've got anybody else that you want to talk to you. Will you do this. Will you ask her for       minutes. Will you asked her, can she do it in a week, will you follow up with her.



          .                   .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  So she said, Okay, I'll do it. And I talked to her again. And she said, I am so glad I listened to you. I went back to this gal that was a golf pro and at the



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Her country club and she had been trying to talk to her about the business. She wouldn't give her the time of day she went back to her, she read it and she was joining her business so




The Flip Flop CEOs  I hear those stories and I know it works. And that's why I'm so passionate about helping people understand how to use the book so that they're going to really create change with the people around you.



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Jackie Ulmer  Yeah and that creates change, personally, and I don't know for me, what really came to mind is, you know, one a day and play keeps corporate america away.



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Jackie Ulmer  Which is kind of it. It's like if  each person would just focus in and by the way.



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Jackie Ulmer  There's no I wouldn't give anything away, there's no value in free. We all know that how many free bonuses are sitting somewhere in your email somewhere in your



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Jackie Ulmer  A PDF download that you did. I mean free is everywhere free is everywhere and there's no value in free. We know that so loaning a book with intention.




Jackie Ulmer  With a specific set of tasks, read the first three chapters. It will take you       minutes. Can you have this accomplished in a week because I have somebody else.



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Jackie Ulmer  To give this book to next week, setting a sense of urgency, a task and a deadline and then being bold enough to stay stay current with the follow up and then basically giving them one more week and then taking it away.



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Jackie Ulmer  There's so much power when you first create curiosity. What is in this book that I have to read and that I need to do it in a week and whatever curiosity killed the cat or brought in the, the new distributor, however you want to look at it.



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Jackie Ulmer  But yeah, so when you're really intentional with those steps. It can be great. And then you've got, you know, you've got activity in your business. You know what you're going to be doing every day.




Jackie Ulmer  And you're just keeping those books in play constantly out there picking them up, drop, you know, whatever. So I don't know what your thoughts are on that. Janine. Tell me how that fits with you and tell me how you educate people in using it.




The Flip Flop CEOs  Yeah, exactly, exactly what you said. I mean, you just you, you just said everything that I say I mean it is, you know, have a couple of books and use them very intentionally and just rotate them.



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Don't just give somebody a book. I mean we really are only going to educate anyone if they read it and I have seen that when people read it, they are changed their mind is changed, and



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The Flip Flop CEOs  For all the people that get into this business and in immediately alienate themselves because they are so excited and they just sort of started saying all these things.




The Flip Flop CEOs  And the person you know that they're talking to looks at them like they have three heads because they've all of a sudden change to they are



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The Flip Flop CEOs  I mean, we can eliminate that alienation that happens in the beginning to I think if we can you know we have to two issues with our businesses is recruitment, but also retention retention is a huge issue. And that's another



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Thing that I think, does the shoe fit is good for because it helps people set up the right expectations that have gotten into the business if they are



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Used to working for a paycheck and trading time for money. They're going to be disappointed because they're building something that is very different, and the reward is very different, the reward is



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The Flip Flop CEOs  Is freedom at the end or, you know, more time freedom. And so it's really important. We, we assume that people know these things and they don't. So again, it's just



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The Flip Flop CEOs  So important for people that do get into this business to understand what they're in understand how it works, understand that it's delayed gratification and



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The Flip Flop CEOs  You know that and make sure that they are with the right company that they, you know, and that their beliefs in network marketing have strong if



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The Flip Flop CEOs  If their belief in in network marketing is shaky read the flip flop CEO and, you know, but does the shoe fit is going to help a person really sort of be prepared and set up the right expectations getting in to the business.




Jackie Ulmer  You know, I want to kind of reflect on the power and what you said in terms of, you know, delayed gratification. A lot of that. And I have a podcast. That's called the harvest can't be prevented. So I want to talk about planting seeds.



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Jackie Ulmer  And when you harvest them and the timeline of success. So the reality of it is life and business intersect in so many ways. So you think of the farmer who goes out and plant seeds.



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Jackie Ulmer  He goes and buys those seeds yesterday right to or today today we go and buy the scenes. We know that if we plant those tomorrow. The next day, they're not going to have sprouted



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Jackie Ulmer  And it's the same in a business. So you have to understand the planting.



              .                      .       

Jackie Ulmer  Cultivating watering that ultimately leads to the harvest. It's the same in business and you have to understand the timeline of success.



             .               .         

Jackie Ulmer  Which basically says the same thing. And then we have to think about our own paradigms. So you're listening to this and you're hearing Janine story of a year.



         .               .   

Jackie Ulmer  Going by my story. Honestly, I was introduced to network marketing. I was  18   or   19 . The first time I was super intrigued with the circles. I'm dating myself up. But at the same time. No. And then I ultimately signed the check. I believe it was



           .                  .   

Jackie Ulmer  I was  31   when I finally launched my first network marketing business.



          .                   .     

Jackie Ulmer  So you have to understand the timeline of success, and you have to be willing to give other people the grace, also for you to plant the seed with them.




Jackie Ulmer  What happens is all of a sudden our light bulb gets turned on and we think everybody else should be on our same timeframe and they're not



           .                 .   

Jackie Ulmer  That doesn't mean that they're not ever going to be. And that doesn't mean that they're not thinking about it, losing sleep over it, pondering it waiting for when the time is going to be right for them.



            .                     .      

Jackie Ulmer  Even if you plant that seed by loaning them a book. They don't read it. You give them another week. They still don't read it, you pick it up, you take it away.



        .                 .   

Jackie Ulmer  And let them stew on that some people, it's never going to make any difference. They're really not open, they're not looking. That's how it is in anything.



            .              .   

Jackie Ulmer  But some people that's going to create, you know, a little scratchy spot and they're going to want to keep itching that and wonder what that is. And, you know, creating curiosity and then six months.



         .                     .      

Jackie Ulmer  Couple things might happen. They might call you and say, you've really got me curious. Can I, can I borrow that book again great or you circle back in six months and say hey you know i know the timing wasn't right for you, but



            .                .      

Jackie Ulmer  You know this book has made a huge difference in my life. I wonder if you might be open to reading it now.



           .                       .     

Jackie Ulmer  Just different things like that. So there's so many pieces of language and so many different components of doing the process.



               .                .    

Jackie Ulmer  Of building the business where you don't feel the ick factor of sales. You don't stutter and stumble and think, I don't know what to say. I don't want to look stupid.



            .                .       

Jackie Ulmer  Do I have to know everything you just learned a couple of specific skill sets and then you let the tools do the heavy lifting for you, for sure. So I think that that's important that timeline of success.



        .               .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  Well, and the other thing is it duplicates. I mean, the name of the game in our business is duplication and



          .                  .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  Even a brand new rep can handle hand somebody a book. And so we wanted people to have tools that can be used right from the get go.



         .               .        

The Flip Flop CEOs  And I love your analogy about the garden. I use that I use that exact same analogy in desert shoe fit to help people understand



          .                      .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  It's like, you know, different crops to take different times to come up. If we plant.



              .                       .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  You know, carrots or corn or whatever. And we're not going to sit there and, you know, just be begging them to come up any sooner than they're going to



              .                    .     

The Flip Flop CEOs  I mean this this is exactly the same way as that. And one thing that I thought of when you were saying that is, what does happen a lot of times when somebody reads the book.



         .                .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  And if it's somebody that you admire and respect and you're asking for their feedback,



        .             .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  a Lot of times they'll come back and say, Oh my gosh, I kept thinking about my sister when I was reading this, or my next door neighbor. She keeps talking about, you know, so you really do.



        .                    .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  get referrals from people on even if they're not in. You can even say I know your life is perfect.



            .                  .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  But you are somebody that I've always really admired, and you probably have a lot of friends like yourself.



          .                   .       

The Flip Flop CEOs  And I would love for you to read this into see if there's anybody that you can think of in your life that might come to mind.




The Flip Flop CEOs  I mean, so there's just, I have scripts for different scenarios that I provide for people on that have gone through the training or whatever and




The Flip Flop CEOs  I'm happy to share those. I mean, there's a lot of different ways that you can approach every single person in your warm market to either get them on your side. Get them to stop saying you shouldn't be doing this.



            .                 .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  Or to get them to send your referrals or to introduce them to something that they may think they would have never thought about



        .              .      

Jackie Ulmer  I love it. Absolutely love it. Okay, so let's. I don't want to spend a ton of time here. But let's talk about the reality that some people do choose the wrong company to begin with.



         .                   .     

Jackie Ulmer  And how can we give people permission to not feel like a failure if they do reach the point where they say, I love the profession. I love the concept



            .                   .     

Jackie Ulmer  This is not the right company for me because I always say as network marketers we tell everybody to think outside the box.



           .                 .         

Jackie Ulmer  They join us in the business. I'm using language that I don't like by saying, join us, but they they choose to launch their own business with us working as a team.




Jackie Ulmer  And then we have a tendency to want to put them in our box. Our company is the only one that's right. Don't look anywhere else. Whatever. There's a difference between chasing bright shiny objects.



          .                 .     

Jackie Ulmer  Which I've done before. I'll be the first to admit I've chased you know bright shiny objects before



         .                 .     

Jackie Ulmer  And I've done a good job of not doing that at times, too. So I think it's important to understand the difference, but with some people. There's going to be that time when they realize they've made a wrong choice. So what are your thoughts on that. Janine.



           .                     .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  We talk about that a lot in does this you fed and I think, you know, the challenge is that everybody that's in



           .                 .     

The Flip Flop CEOs  Network Marketing, in my opinion, most of them are pretty excited about the company. They're with they think it's the best company ever they, you know, and



            .                     .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  It may be the only experience they've ever had. They haven't looked at anything else but they really are sold on it being the best because they're surrounded by this tribe of people that feel that way.



             .                       .       

The Flip Flop CEOs  But the truth is that each company, you know, they have, there's a culture there. There's a personality to companies and some are



              .               .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  You know, some are more male dominated than female. There's some that are, you know, really fast in social media and, you know, and there's some that take a different approach. So



          .                  .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  There's so many factors to consider and for sure you know the products you know even maybe if you believe in the products to do you have access to



             .                          .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  A community of people that would use those products and you know it. I think that people need to look at it more as a business decision we look at it, we kind of get into it almost like it say



             .                      .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  I don't know or religion or something and and and forget to really look at it as what makes sense as a business. So there are a lot of different things to evaluate




The Flip Flop CEOs  And, um, I think it's really important to do that. If for any reason you know you are not out there excited every day to be sharing what you're sharing



               .                .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  There's something that you could be excited about. Don't try to make this right when it's not naturally right I think



           .                        .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  I think the more authentically, we can share what we're representing



                .                      .       

The Flip Flop CEOs  The better off we are, we need to be doing this because we would be doing it, whether we were getting paid for it or not. I mean, there are certain



              .                    .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  skills that we need to apply and we need to be, you know, dedicated and and treat it like a real business but we really need to be. And for me, what I am the most excited about is the vehicle.



              .                    .     

The Flip Flop CEOs  I am excited about the vehicle of network marketing to change someone's life and you know the business and the products. Part of it is, is certainly a part of the equation, but



               .                  .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  There's a lot of different parts of the equation. And it's important to look at all of them to make sure that you are solid on all of them and ready to go out there and and share with people.



              .                   .     

Jackie Ulmer  Yeah, it's true. And it's, it sounds cliche and maybe the, you know, if you're listening to this, you've heard this before, but we talked about it really is the greatest self improvement.



               .                   .   

Jackie Ulmer  Course. It's out there. It's a self improvement course with a compensation plan and it's so true, because I look back at myself and I think my confidence.



              .                      .      

Jackie Ulmer  My bravery. My willing to face fear and push through it, my ability to let go of limiting beliefs and stories that I've made up from the past about myself about other people.



                .                    .   

Jackie Ulmer  reframing the word failure reframing the word rejection



               .                         .    

Jackie Ulmer  So many different things in my life have changed. And it's kind of like



                .                         .   

Jackie Ulmer  Talking about, you know, the benefit of my children. Certainly, my daughter growing up listening to personal development and and receiving it through osmosis of driving around



                 .                           .     

Jackie Ulmer  Listening to it or having me having it on at home or whatever, that the benefits that don't involve the income potential are priceless, in and of themselves.



                 .                     .   

Jackie Ulmer  But they they work together because when you when you build those benefits when you build that mindset and those skill sets and those assets that you're creating in yourself as a business leader and as a business owner and as business person.




Jackie Ulmer  It shows up on the monetary side of things, too. So it's funny how that works.



         .                     .        

The Flip Flop CEOs  Well, and I love everything you're saying that's so important. I feel like one of my other passions, is this business for baby boomers, because I am a baby boomer, and I know that there are a lot of people out there. I see them all the time.



             .                       .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  That are shrinking their dreams to fit their budget instead of thinking about increasing their income because they feel like, what am I going to do, how am I going to get a job. I'm



              .                  .     

The Flip Flop CEOs  You know  60  years old. What are my options there. This is a business that is such a perfect fit for that generation because we do have a good work ethic and but the biggest challenge is just



             .              .       

The Flip Flop CEOs  The misconception. It's, it's the, it's the perception of what this business is versus the reality of it. And so what I just really, really encourage people




The Flip Flop CEOs  As network marketers to do is enlightened those around us, we, we have to be the change we wish to see if we want people to think differently and to understand this business.



            .                     .         

The Flip Flop CEOs  We have to be the ones to educate people because nobody else is going to do it. I am so appalled by even the



            .                 .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  The media and the things that continue the myths that continue to be perpetuated I said something about Tick tock, which I don't even know what Tick tock is but they weren't allowing network marketers and other pyramid schemes in their format.



            .                  .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  That those words are those are wrong and we have to be the ones to stand up to those kinds of terms to educate



             .              .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  Everyone around us and and because this is exactly what so many people are looking for, but they don't recognize it. I didn't recognize it. And so I get that there are a lot of people out there that don't recognize it.



         .               .        

Jackie Ulmer  Yeah, it's true, were there to up level. The, the reputation of network marketing for sure. And one thing that we haven't even addressed. You talk about being a baby boomer and how it's perfect.



          .                    .   

Jackie Ulmer  People. This is January of  2021  recording this. I don't know when you'll be listening to this, but the world has changed dramatically in the last year, we all know it. And there is



           .                    .     

Jackie Ulmer  In my opinion, there's no better time I've been a network marketing professional for  27 years on the   21st of January, just shy of when we're recording this.




Jackie Ulmer  In all that time, there have been peaks and valleys with with economics and everything recessions that have gone on.



             .              .    

Jackie Ulmer  There's never been a better time than right now because people are hurting. They're looking. They're downsized their incomes are off. They've got health issues. They're worried



         .                    .   

Jackie Ulmer  They're trying to, you know, work and have children at home being homeschooled. There's so many different reasons.




Jackie Ulmer  That this is the solution that people don't know.



         .                      .   

Jackie Ulmer  That they're looking for. So using the tools educating your self enough to be able to use the tools so that you don't run into a situation where you say too much to people. You say the wrong thing. You sound hype. You've sound salesy and you



             .                    .   

Jackie Ulmer  turn people off just taking a little bit of time to learn the tools, the business skills and then just use those. Wow, no better time than right now.



               .                  .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  Absolutely. And that brings up everything you say. It just makes me want to go off on another it. I think it's such an important time to for us to take responsibility.



             .              .     

The Flip Flop CEOs  Of again educating the people that have gotten into it because I think right now gotten into it.




The Flip Flop CEOs  That have started their own business, because there are a lot of people that now I mean network marketing is booming right now. A lot of people have jumped in, but



          .               .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  Retention is the other issue. A lot of people are going to jump in and jump out because they don't get the proper they don't have the proper expectations.



           .                     .    

The Flip Flop CEOs  They are not supported correctly and they then it's even worse because then they are out and they and when you try to talk to them about network marketing. Oh, I tried that. Yeah, I did. That didn't work.



           .                    .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  And they're they're basically throwing the baby out with the bathwater, they're they're chalking up their experience and their experience may have just been



               .                    .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  That somebody said, do this they joined in, they didn't do anything with it. They didn't know what they had, they didn't have any direction. They didn't have the right expectations.



               .              .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  Now they're out and they're thinking, Yeah, that didn't work for me. So really we have this opportunity now.



          .                 .   

The Flip Flop CEOs  To make sure that the people that are taking advantage of this opportunity to have a virtual online business respect it and understand what to do with it and help them be successful because that's how we're going to change the perception as well.



             .                 .      

Jackie Ulmer  I love it. Janine. Thank you so much. This is going to be a two parter, because we've gone on, but that's great. So, tell everybody how they can learn more about you, the flip flop CEO. Give us some steps to take next




The Flip Flop CEOs  Yes, so that the flip flop CEO I we have a Facebook page and Instagram page where we share you know quotes from the books and those kinds of things. So anybody in network marketing, we'd love to have you join us there.



             .                   .     

The Flip Flop CEOs  On you can buy the books right now we are actually at a point at this moment where we are deciding to go digital



              .               .          

The Flip Flop CEOs  On the books are available on Audible and Kindle and have been on and we have been we've we've had the physical books. The little soft books for




The Flip Flop CEOs  Since the books were written, but it's just becoming so expensive to to kind of deal with all of that. So right now.



               .                    .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  We are selling the inventory that we have for $  a book which is we've never even really had the books be on sale before so



               .                    .      

The Flip Flop CEOs  It's a really good time to grab a coffee if that's you know and i think i'm surprised at how many people say they want to hold a book.


The Flip Flop CEOs  So, and maybe we'll bring them back at some point if we have a lot of requests for that. But for right now, you can get the books for the first time ever for $5  using the code clarity on our website. The flip flop CEO.



The Flip Flop CEOs  If you go to Amazon, we can't control the price there so you can buy the book there as well. But again, on the flip flop CEO is available on Audible and Kindle and does the sheep. It is available on Kindle, and soon to be on



The Flip Flop CEOs  Audible we're waiting for the approval process. And one thing that that brings us is, it's good to ask the person that you're giving the sharing the book with



The Flip Flop CEOs  What's the best way for you to read a book, is it audible. Do you like to listen to you. You like a Kindle. So it's really important. Again, we're wanting it to work for them to find out which way it's going to work best for them. So, sorry.



Jackie Ulmer  That's okay. Always good to honor your prospect and ask them what's best for you.



Jackie Ulmer  Yes. All right, thank you so much for being here and I know those listening got a ton of value out of it. I did to it just always reinforces my decision. My passion and where we're headed for sure.



The Flip Flop CEOs  Thank you Jackie. I love everything that you're doing. You are you to exemplify professionalism in our profession and so I'm grateful for all the things that you're doing. Thank you so much for letting me share all of this today.


Part 1 is here!

The Flip Flop CEO



Do you have a question for me? DM me on Instagram @jackieulmer


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  • What we will do together in 4 Simple Steps:


    Master Your Marketing Plan - Build a Complete Online and Offline Strategy


    • We will build and develop your "brand", which is the gateway to creating the rest of your marketing plan, online and offline
    • You will know exactly who your ideal client is and how to attract them to you 
    • You will know how to build your audience; nurture them; and create killer marketing copy that speaks to the heart, all done with consistency for growth
    • You will create systems so you know each day what your marketing strategy is, and you know how to execute it
    • You will know how to pre-sell your client before your call with them
    • You will know the primary social media platforms and how to effectively market in each


    Master Your Messaging and Success Language - Know How to Position Yourself, Your Client, Your Offer


    • You will learn the secrets of language and positioning to create interest and get your audience to lean in
    • You will learn and master the Authentic Sales and Closing process, so you feel calm, confident and no longer struggle with how to ask for the decision and get the sale - no more Selling "Ick" Factor
    • You will know how to create a world class client experience, retaining more clients, so you spend less time prospecting and build more referrals


    Master Your Time Management and Productivity - How to Become a Professional Entrepreneur


    • You will know exactly where to focus your time and energy to get the best results
    • You will learn to release resistance and excuses that hold you back; and build the discipline needed to succeed
    • You will know where your business is going and how to predict growth and profits
    • You will have systems and plans in place for every area of your business so you know the next step with each person in the process
    • You will know how to set your goals and achieve them
    • You will have accountability to keep you focused and on track
    • You will do all of this without feeling overwhelmed 


    Master Your Mindset and Limiting Beliefs


    • You will learn how to take back control over your thinking
    • You will detox from negative self talk, comparanoia, procrastination and overthinking
    • You will create better relationships with your partner, your family, friends, team and most specifically, yourself
    • You will cleanse scarcity and fear based thinking from your life
    • You will know how to solve any problem or challenge for yourself
    • You will learn how to capture your big ideas and monetize them  


    Bonus content includes:

    Taming the Money Monster

    Peak Performance Habits

    Mental Yoga and Thought Download Process




    I'll be sharing the concepts, tools and training to support your marketing, growth and business goals. While the principles that I teach are complete for any Solopreneur business, the details, strategy and implementation will be tailored to you through my mentorship.


    I coach and train on the exact strategies I used to reach top income earner status in my network marketing company, and sell products and services in over 40 countries, using digital marketing. These are the same strategies I use today in my coaching business. I don't teach theory.

    Learn more at Coach With Jackie


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EXPECT Success!

Jackie Ulmer

PS: If You Are Struggling to Sponsor, and Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is Where You Want to Start


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